Interesting Times

I know everyone is writing, talking, and tweeting about COVID-19 these days. Please bear with me while I ramble a bit, sharing some thoughts and predictions of my own.

URL Hacking (or “How to Sanitize Your URLs”)

Most people don’t think twice about copy/pasting a ginormous web link into an email or social media post.
But they should!


Cybersecurity folks claim to be better about their online hygiene than “normal” people… Ha!

Thoughts About Diversity

Diversity is one of the buzzwords of the day. But what does it really mean and why does it matter?

Why We Bother

When Wired published an article titled “The Worst Cybersecurity Breaches of 2018 So Far,” I asked myself, “Why do we even bother?”

The Meaning of Stewardship

I came very close to losing my cool today with an Evangelical Christian. It wasn’t about politics, or abortion, or gun control. It was over something simple…

Do Not Pray

Prayers are great at making the pray-er feel better. They do not fix anything.

2016, I hate you

This year has been like a mashup of an STD and Ebola. And it just won’t stop…