Why I Went “All In” for InfoSec

Last May I quit my job as a web developer, went back to college and started racking up GIAC certifications. Since then I have overclocked my brain, blown my buffers, and melted my cortex more times than I can count, and I love it.

Do Not Pray

Prayers are great at making the pray-er feel better. They do not fix anything.

What Equifax Reveals About Our Changing Times

As more details about the Equifax breach come to light, the degree of incompetence and mishandling seems unbelievable. Or is it?

Equifax and What It Means For You

There are a lot of conflicting reports going around right now, so there is a lot of confusion about what happens, what it means for you and me, and what we can do about it. Here is what we know…

Alice in a Cyber Wonderland…

It’s no secret that I have been ambivalent about getting a bachelors degree. But when my alma mater expanded their cybersecurity program to include a bachelors program, I knew it was time to make a change.

2016, I hate you

This year has been like a mashup of an STD and Ebola. And it just won’t stop…

How do you fight fear?

Over and over I see the fear-mongers whipping their zealots into a frenzy, using tactics developed by the Nazis to strip the disenfranchised of their reason and their wills, turning people into a mob, all for the sake of power. I see their manipulations, but I don’t know what to do to stop it.

I wore black today…

I wore black today. I knew the Electoral College would shuffle Trump into the White House, in spite of all the petitions, in spite of the popular vote, in spite of the fact that the man they advanced is a fascist, egomaniacal, narcissistic con man.